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Shanghai Uncle's self-made escape stainless steel slide won the national patent

Number of views:191Publish time:2022/7/22 14:39:26

   I believe that everyone has played with the slide when they were young, and many children like the feeling of sliding down the slide, which is also a must-have project for many playgrounds, and now it is also used in many water parks in the swimming pool. But have you ever seen a slide that can help you escape? A septuagenarian in Shanghai built a self-help slide in a residential building to help high-rise residents escape quickly in the event of an emergency.


   Escape from high-rise buildings is a recognized employment problem in the world, and in Shanghai, the elderly Zhou Miaorong, who lives in the upper floors, is also worried about this problem, and he has been thinking about how to solve this problem. In the end, it took him two years to finally invent a stainless steel slide system for high-rise rapid escape. This escape system is mainly composed of a combination of stainless steel slides. Stainless steel slides are mainly composed of straights and curves made of stainless steel and aluminum alloy materials, about 50 cm wide, and the stainless steel slides and slides on the stair platforms on each floor are mainly linked by curves, and the whole system is installed in the fire hallway.

   When it is not used in normal times, the straights of the stainless steel slide will be placed sideways next to the corridor, and the curves on the platform will also rise to the wall and hang, which will not affect the daily use of the corridor. When it is necessary to escape, it is only necessary to press the start switch of the device, no electricity is required, and the domino effect generated by the mechanical linkage can be connected to the straight and the corner for human use.

   Through the design of the slope of the curve, when escaping on the slide, it can be ensured that the speed of the escapee is not too fast and dangerous, and the speed and efficiency of the escape can also be guaranteed. The sliding time on the first floor of the slide is about three seconds, and even a 30-story high-rise building only takes about 90 seconds to reach the ground safely. And the slide is also equipped with a special emergency lighting system and a water spray system, which can greatly improve the safety factor of people in fire.

   At present, the invention of the elderly has not only obtained a national patent, but also applied for an international patent, and the old man's desire now is to improve this system and promote it to the world.

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