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 How to buy children's stainless steel slides to save more money?

How to buy children's stainless steel slides to save more money?


In recent years, the development of the children's amusement market can be described as the rapid development of the naked eye, the domestic large and small amusement parks opened one after another. But because large outdoor amusement parks may face a more severe off-peak season turnover test, so many investors in order to enhance their daily business profits, have turned their investment attention to supermarkets, communities, squares, parks and other places of daily life.

Stainless Steel Slides Can Be Matched With Which Equipment?

Stainless Steel Slides Can Be Matched With Which Equipment?


Stainless steel slides is a relatively common outdoor leisure, fitness, amusement rides, for children's physical characteristics of drilling holes, climbing, trampoline, swinging and some other features, will be fully entertaining. But very early on, children's slides are made of more plastic materials, but with the popularity of the development of the amusement industry, stainless steel slides because of the heat-resistant, moisture-resistant and other characteristics of the major scenes of love.

What are the requirements for purchasing kindergarten outdoor slides

What are the requirements for purchasing kindergarten outdoor slides


The kindergarten outdoor slide pays special attention to the material, using high-end and sophisticated safety and environmental protection materials, only in this way can we ensure that the product will not be harmful to children when using it. For example, the wooden combination slides are made of high-end pear blossom wood, and there is no honey around the place, the combination is relatively perfect, and there will be no loosening.

Why is the price of non-standard amusement equipment so different?

Why is the price of non-standard amusement equipment so different?


Why is the price of non-standard amusement equipment so different? Different factors of manufacturers' production capacity, raw materials, project configuration, and product customization will affect the price, but what we need to understand is that although their cost is high, the design effect presented will be better, and the normal income of more playgrounds will be increased.

How to choose high-quality new outdoor children's play equipment?

How to choose high-quality new outdoor children's play equipment?


How to choose high-quality new outdoor children's play equipment? When buying children's play equipment, the price must be considered, but it should also be considered in conjunction with the quality and safety of the product. Xiaobian introduced three points, namely consumer psychological needs, product quality, manufacturer procedures, professional purchase of outdoor amusement equipment process should also be strict, Zhejiang Letu for outdoor amusement equipment production procedures are complete, standardized standards!

What are the precautions for the installation of outdoor amusement facilities?

What are the precautions for the installation of outdoor amusement facilities?


As we all know, the completion cycle of an outdoor playground project will be relatively long, generally between one month and two months. In this process, in addition to design and production, we will also need to go through the more rigorous process of installation. There are many factors to consider when installing outdoor amusement equipment, such as the slope of the venue, the height, the floor space, the degree of cooperation between the equipment parts and so on. What are the precautions for the installation of outdoor amusement facilities?

What is the process required to open a children's playground in the community?

What is the process required to open a children's playground in the community?


What is the process required to open a children's playground in the community? Understanding the industry market, finding investment manufacturers, building a playground, handling qualification certification, opening publicity, and normal operation, this is a playground can take several steps from the beginning to the good development. When the idea of opening a children's playground is opened, in fact, the first time should first understand some of the basic needs of the playground around the community, such as the price of investment, equipment cost, business philosophy and other issues.

What are the types of water park slides

What are the types of water park slides


The water park has always been a popular summer leisure place in the city, and although the summer is hot, it is also very happy to be able to play in the water park. In particular, there are many interesting water slides in the water park, which can bring a lot of joy to everyone. So what are the types of water park slides? The main categories of water slides are big speaker slides, skyrocket slides, rainbow competitive slides, high-speed stimulation slides, surf slides and so on.

Sculpture landscape wooden combination slide What brand is good?

Sculpture landscape wooden combination slide What brand is good?


The sculptural landscape wooden combination slide is an outdoor non-powered amusement equipment that can achieve beauty and fun, suitable for urban parks, community buildings, shopping mall atriums and other locations. Because of the affordable cost and low operating costs in the later stage, it has been consulted by many people. What brand of sculpture landscape wooden combination slide is good?

Which manufacturer is good for log combination slides? Which conditions should be compared

Which manufacturer is good for log combination slides? Which conditions should be compared


Which manufacturer is good for log combination slides? What conditions should be compared? For the choice of manufacturer qualifications, it is necessary to look at some specific issues such as the time of employment, the reputation of the industry, the investment cost, the government recognition, the manufacturer's façade, the size of the workshop, etc., in fact, it is more about whether the manufacturer's ability in the industry is prominent. First of all, you can inquire about the relevant employment time and specific business scope through the enterprise qualification, first understand the basic strength of the manufacturer, and then make relevant post-planning.

What are the personalized children's play equipment recommendations in the real estate community?

What are the personalized children's play equipment recommendations in the real estate community?


Many investors plan to open a children's amusement park around their own community, but they don't know whether the community children's playground is easy to do, and what amusement equipment is needed to support the development of the entire venue? We all know that the traditional amusement park will have combination slides, trampolines, bunkers, percussion instruments and other projects. What are the personalized children's play equipment recommendations in the real estate community?

What are the most popular outdoor rides?

What are the most popular outdoor rides?


Xiaobian briefly introduces the amusement facilities in several popular outdoor playgrounds for everyone, and for more fun and interesting amusement project customization, you can pay attention to us or consult to understand. If you want to make an outdoor unpowered park a punch card holy place in everyone's mind, not only do you need to have fun and interesting amusement equipment, in fact, certain operating skills are also an ability to attract everyone.

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