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What is the process required to open a children's playground in the community?

Number of views:206Publish time:2022/7/22 14:40:11

Now the city is full of high-rise buildings, and many parents want to create a space for their children to play independently, considering the growth of their children. If there is a children's playground in the community where you live, it can also solve the concerns of many parents. Parents are usually busy at work and rarely have time to accompany their children to play, and it is very necessary for the community to build a children's playground. Therefore, there are many investors with unique vision who see business opportunities and want to invest in them, but they are at a loss for the process of opening a playground, so what process is needed to open a children's playground in the community?

This article contains the following

1. Find a equipment service manufacturer

2. Determine the size of the site

3. Opening publicity

First, find a equipment service manufacturer

When the idea of opening a children's playground is opened, in fact, the first time should first understand some of the basic needs of the playground around the community, such as the price of investment, equipment cost, business philosophy and other issues.

After that, you need to open a community playground service provider online or through other channels, in order to ensure the operation effect of the community playground, it is necessary to carry out a certain design and customization, at this time, if there is a more reliable manufacturer can help you, it will be more effective with half the effort.

2. Determine the size of the site

It is already known that the location of the community children's playground is in the community or around the community, and the better site area is about 150 square meters, which needs to have a good lighting effect, the layout should be lively and brisk, and the children's myth is the best. In the amusement park, 3-4 different types of venues can be set up, such as climbing walls, ball fields, challenge venues, etc., in addition to specially setting up a small rest area for parents and children to rest.

3. Publicity for opening

When the children's playground is about to open, some publicity brochures can be distributed around the community, which can let parents and children understand the service content system and price of the playground. During the operation period, it can also be open to everyone for free, and some small light shows or music festivals can be organized to achieve attractive effects.

What is the process required to open a children's playground in the community? Understanding the industry market, finding investment manufacturers, building a playground, handling qualification certification, opening publicity, and normal operation, this is a playground can take several steps from the beginning to the good development.

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